Friday Five: Bookmark These May Events

Another month, another page on the calendar. With 31 days and a federal holiday (Memorial Day for those playing at home), the month of May is a hotbed of exciting events from 5Ks to marathons to 24-hour adventure races. Yes, it’s not Friday. In fact, it’s not even May, but we thought we would provide … Continue reading

Friday 5: Something Different

We’ll call it a Friday 13 today. In light of the frantic search in Boston for the last suspect involved in the incidents at the Boston Marathon, let’s take some time to reflect on 13 of the images and statements that have shown the good side of humanity following the atrocities in Boston. Written and … Continue reading

Friday Five: 5 Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund

Tax returns are (or were, depending on when you are reading this) due on April 15, and hopefully, a nice refund is in your future. I’m no financial analyst by any stretch of the imagination, but if you felt like making a big purchase with money back from Uncle Sam, here are a few suggestions … Continue reading

Friday Five: 5 Awesome Outdoor Adventures

Sometimes, an ordinary race just doesn’t cut it. People want more adventure, more crazy things that they can do to test the boundaries of human endurance. Well, more power to them. In light of this recent article about the insanely difficult Barkley Marathons, we got to thinking about what other outdoor adventures would be awesome … Continue reading